“Bangabandhu and Dhaka University” by Dr A J M Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan won National Film Awards 2022

The documentary film titled "Bangabandhu and Dhaka University," produced and directed by Professor A. J. M Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan, Ph.D., received the National Film Award 2022 as the best documentary. On Tuesday, October 31, 2023, the Ministry of Information unveiled...
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The relevance of Bangabandhu’s philosophy on education

What is Bangabandhu’s philosophy of education? What kind of education system did he envision for the newly independent Bangladesh? My purpose in this article is to shed some light on the education thoughts of the Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh...
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Peripheral View: Conceptualizing the Information Society as a Postcolonial Subject

This article looks into the information society from a postcolonial subject position. It uses concepts from a postcolonial perspective and critical political economy of communication to investigate the information society. It perceives the information society as a discourse of social...
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Universal Access in Developing Countries: A Particular Focus on Bangladesh

The concept of universal access, which originated in the United States, is now part of the telecommunications policy frameworks of many developing countries. This article uses the case of Bangladesh as a vehicle for examining the transferability of the universal...
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Seminar Presentations

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (September 2023). Coproduction as a Money-making Venture: A Critical Analysis of Bangladesh-India film coproductions. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Asian Media and Information Centre (AMIC), Bandung, Indonesia, 28-30 September.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (August, 2021). Media Research and the COVID-19. Paper presented at the 4th Networking Conference On ‘News Media In Bangladesh Under Covid-19’, Jahagirnagar University, Jahangirnagar, Bangladesh

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (June, 2021). Digital Imperialism and the Global South: Inequality, Neo-dependency, and Distorted Transnationalism. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Conference on Communication, Media, and Governance, Cosponsored by the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Communication University of China (CUC), Beijing, China.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (December, 2019). The Politics of Development Paradigms: The Relevance of Community Driven Development Model in the Wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Keynote Paper presented at the First International Communication Conference, EFL University, Shillong, India.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (October, 2019). The Politics of Internet Governance: Solidarity in the Global South. Keynote Paper presented at the conference titled “Transcultural Solidarities Across Global Divides: Histories, Institutions and Agents,” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (January 2017). New Actors, New Space, Yet Brutish Consequences. Keynote Paper presented at Seminar 4 – Contentious Politics and Democracy in the Digital Arena of the ESRC Seminar Series: Exploring Civil Society Strategies for Democratic Renewal at City, University of London, London, UK.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (September 2016). Media Governance: Bangladeshi Approach. Paper presented at the Australia-Bangladesh Business Forum Conference, Melbourne, Australia

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (2014, July). Bangladeshi Media in Transition: Implications for Media Education. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference, Hyderabad, India.

• Bhuiyan, Abu J M S A (2011, December). Transformation of newspaper Journalism in Bangladesh: Political to Commercial. Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

• Bhuiyan, A.J.M.S.A. (2007, October). Intellectual property rights, the state and global governance. Paper presented at the Union for Democratic Communication (UDC) Conference, Vancouver, BC.

• Bhuiyan, A.J.M.S.A. (2007, May). Internet: A global public good or an enabler of digital divides. Paper presented at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Conference, Saskatoon, SK.

• Bhuiyan, A.J.M.S.A. (2006, July). The ‘Information Society’ meets the South: A narrative of capital, class, and development. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

Invited Speech

• Invited talk: “Cinema, Geopolitics and Bollywood,” Organized by the National Institute for Strategic Communication, Peking University, October 2019; Beijing, China

• Invited talk: “South Asian Solidarity: Religion, Refugees and Geopolitics,” Organized by the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, October 2019, Beijing, Dhaka.

• Keynote Speech: “The framework of a national film policy,” Organized by the Department of Television and Film Studies, August 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh

• Keynote Speech: “Broadcast policy-making in the age of neoliberal information capitalism” at the 29th founding anniversary of the Dhaka University Journalists’ Association, June 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh
• Keynote speech: “Press Freedom in Bangladesh” at the 25th founding anniversary of the Dhaka University Journalists’ Association, June 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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